Monday, October 22, 2012

In Which I Fret Over Vaccinations

Tomorrow is vaccine day, the twins get the infamous MMR shot that all the controversy swirls around.  I tried to do a little research, to see if I had reason to worry or to try to fight it.  Apparently, the Moms of a lot of kids with autism swear that the symptoms coincided with their child getting this shot.  While Dr.s swear it has nothing to do with it, and have done a bunch of studies and found nothing to prove it.  Meanwhile, even in countries such as Japan where they've changed the protocol and now give the vaccine in several doses, autism rates continue to rise. 
So If I allow the shots to be given, are my children going to suddenly develop autism, leading me to spend the rest of my days hating myself for my mistake?  Or if I refuse the shots, are my children going to get measels, mumps, or rubella, possibly die from these diseases, or cause someone else to get sick? 
Feeling very caught between the proverbial rock and hard place and like I'll be a bad mother no matter what I do.  NOT LIKING THIS.


  1. My comment isn't going to be my opinion about whether you should or shouldn't have the kids vaccinated. Not my place even if I did have an opinion which I don't. Just wanted to let you know you are a good Mama. If you have done the research - figure out which outcome would be the worst, pray about it and move foward without regrets. About all we can do in the long run.

  2. I had the same concerns over whether to circumcise my kids or not. (Turned out to be a moot point, as they were all girls. :))

    The shots are scary, but so is leaving your kids unvaccinated. Research, pray, worry, fret, hand-twist, and decide.

    Love ya!

    1. haha...lucky you...that circumcision thing was traumatic.

  3. So many decisions we have to make for our little ones that leave us wondering which was the lesser of the 2 evils. Kenna has to go get her booster shot on Wednesday...SOOOO not looking forward to putting her through that! Can't wait till the new system when all those medical questions will be NO MORE!! Until then, we decide one way or another and hope it works for the best. At least you've done your research, good for you!

  4. I have an opinion on this, but like Trish said, not my place to give it, unless of course you ask :). I think I have a unique perspective as a mother, and an employee at a Children's Hospital. BUT do your research, and trust sound research over speculation, anecodotal stories, and fear mongering. I will say, that some of my friends have vaccinated their kids, but split up the schedule, i.e. not getting mmr, dtp, hib, etc all at one visit and have felt more comfortable with that. I also have friends who have not vaccinated at all, and I have those who followed the schedule. I fall into one of those categories, and I am happy with that decision. Whatever you decide, you don't have to tell everyone and open yourself up to criticism from either camp

  5. I'll tell you a funny story though. When Isabella was born, alot of baby stuff still had BPA in it, bottles, etc....David and I read some stuff about BPA and decided to eliminate from our baby stuff...whatever, right...we didn't tell everyone else who also had small babies they should do same. Alot of my friends said Dr Brown's bottles are the best, but they had bpa, so David and I wouldn't use them. The same friends who used the bottles with the nasty chemical (my opinion) only fed their kids homemade baby food or occasional Earth's BEst organic. David and I gave the kids Gerber or Beechnut and would get stares. hehe Some of my friends don't give kids vaccines b/c of autism, but let 2 year olds run around with hard candy in their mouth which David and I wouldn't do. Some think formula is from the Devil, and all mother's should breastfeed exclusively. I wasn't successful breast feeding, and was glad there was an alternative to starving my kid. Point is, we as parents, all just are trying to make the best decisions for our families, it is all we can do. We may mess up..In this system, it is inevitable. But if we are doing what we believe is best, that's all we can do. We can't judge each other's parenting.

    1. They got their shots, on schedule. I did some research, got some opinions, and I feel good about my decision! You're right about not listening to fear mongering, and people are really careful about one thing and not another,and these days, EVERYTHING is supposed to be dangerous! Lol! You've gotta do the best you can!

  6. I'm definitely with Paige on this. Everybody has things that bother them and if they feel strongly about something they shouldn't do it. But then there are things they are fine with that another person wouldn't dream of doing. As long as people are sincerely trying and doing what they believe is best for their child, it is so wrong to criticize. Even with my own grandchildren, their parents have pretty similar parenting styles, but occasionally they differ. I don't think one is right and the other is wrong. They all love their kids and do what they believe is right for them. That's what matters! Unfortunately there aren't many right and wrong answers when it comes to raising kids. Love them and do what you think is best and things should turn out fine! You've been doing great so far!!!
